Hema Mehra Coaching
Trust Yourself
As a high achieving person, you’ve probably been rewarded for following “the rules:” the right schools, right jobs, right house, right partner, etc. Unfortunately, at some point in midlife, “the rules” stop making sense (if they ever did). It could be because you’ve gotten all that you were striving for, but you’re not happy… or you feel like a perennial failure for not achieving a vision laid out for you by your parents or culture. When the rules no longer hold, then what?
Then coaching! I support you to make your own rules based on what is actually meaningful to you today, not what should be meaningful. You start to see the clues that your body and life have been giving you all along. You get honest about your fears, which allows you to overcome them. Little by little, you learn to trust yourself and in the process feel more free.
This may be a good package for you if you:
Are not even sure what inner knowing is, or how to access it… or if you even have it
Are not happy, but you’re scared to start investigating why; what if you discover you’ve done your whole life wrong? [you haven’t]
Know that your definition of success is mostly driven by other people’s point of view, but you’re not sure how else to define it
12 one-hour sessions over 6 months (biweekly meetings) @ $1800 ($150/session)
Interested? Book a complimentary session.